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Benefits of the world's first spring loaded golf tee

Product Name: VS (Vital Spring) TEE
Basic colors:
White, Black, Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple, Orange, Green
Urethane, PA6, PW
Length VS TEE: xL 84mm | L 76mm | M 66mm | S 58mm -
Length Par3 Tee: xS 39mm

The VS TEE lasts an average of 18 rounds, making it an economical choice over wooden tees. This durable tee gets out of your club head’s way at the point of contact for a cleaner follow through.
The Par3 tee attached to the VS TEE keeps the tee from being lost off of the tee box. Get ahead of the competition with this incredibly smooth, consistent tee.

Benefits of the world's first spring loaded golf tee
made of extremely durable urethane and nylon
* VS TEE lasts an average of 18 rounds
* gets out of your club head’s way at the point of contact
   for a cleaner follow through
* VS TEE offers incredibly low friction
* extremely environmentally friendly with outstanding durability
* assist in finding the perfect height every time
* smooth clean hit by the flexibility of the spring
* it will not scratch the head of your club
* extremely environmentally friendly with outstanding durability
* get ahead with this incredibly smooth, consistent tee.

The VS TEE lasts an average of 18 rounds, making it an economical choice over wooden tees. This durable tee gets out of your club head’s way at the point of contact for a cleaner follow through. The ParThree tee attached to the VS TEE keeps the tee from being lost off of the tee box. Get ahead of the competition with this incredibly smooth, consistent tee.

Les VS TEE conforment au règle du golf R&A (Royal & Ancient Golf Club de St Andrews) et USGA, des coups de départ amélioré et des effets plus élevés pour mieux laisser partir la balle.
VS TEE, Golftee mit Federkernkopf für ein „low resistant impact“wurde speziell für Drivers und Woods designed, VS TEE entsprechen den USGA und R&A Golf Regeln
Het nieuwe geheime wapen om uw golfspel te verbeten. Test de VS Tee new- beschikbaar in 5 maten, VS Tee's is conform de USGA and the R&A Golf‘s time to change your Golf TEE
Les VS TEE conforment au règle du golf R&A (Royal & Ancient Golf Club de St Andrews) et USGA, Il VS TEE conforme alle regole di golf USGA e R&A. VS TEE entsprechen den USGA und R&A Golf Regeln
L'evoluzione tecnologica dei tee da golf - il VS TEE  -  Il VS TEE conforme alle regole di golf USGA e R&A.